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 新疆卓越生物科技开发有限公司位于中国西北,新疆中部,亚欧大陆腹地,地处北天山北麓,准噶尔盆地南部,新疆首府--美丽的乌鲁木齐市。.是一家专业从事:为生物医药/保健食品/农产品加工/化妆品/消毒产品和医疗器械等行业内企业做一站式全流程技持服务,内筒包括:行业项目立项,净化厂房设计,施工,产能预算,设备选型采购安装调试,配方及工艺设计,体系建立,员工培训及许可证办理等系列化的技术支撑和生产线托管服务;实验室仪器设备耗材供应销售和实验室建立。同时为提升产品品质和企业知名度形象做相应的产品和企业进行体系认证。解决行业生产工程的设计、施工、安装.调试、技术咨询服务 于一体的专业化生物医药食品行业的生物科技公司.迈科博睿为我公司品牌的标志性商标。                                                      


公司主要服务项目:生物医药食品净化厂房设计施工和生产设备提取浓缩,固体/液体/膏体/丸剂/散剂膏贴/口服液糖浆等成套或单机设备/以及食品中央厨房成套工程设备。为制药企业,保健食品企业,化妆品企业,器械与消毒企业,营养食品企业和农副土特产品加工企业肉类加工企业、鱼类加工企 业、水果加工企业、面堂类加工企业、乳制品类加工企业、调味品类加工企业、净菜加工类企业等生产企业提供卓越的技术支持。为科研院所,企事业单位实验室提供技术前瞻的常用实验室设备仪器。为您实验室台面搭建,微生物和理化实验室的设计及产品配置要求所徐仪器设备和耗材做一站式技术支撑和综合服务。

公司以:为您"节能、高效、环保”设备为目标,以:"科技领先、智能创新、高效高质、诚实守信”的宗旨。“的经营原则,以真诚的合作态度,共同双嬴的经営理念,为客户进行全方位的服务!"傾听客户的声音“是卓越公司的首要事情,客户需求是我们持续改进的 动力.我们坚持不懈努力为客户提供优质的产品和出色的服务.从最初的咨询、设计到安装、调试、培训,我们力争从各个方面满足客户的需求.为广大企业和用户提供一流的技术、一流的服务、一流的效率,共创未来美好智能新时代。



Xinjiang Excellent Biotechnology Development Co., Ltd. is located in northwest China, central Xinjiang, the hinterland of Eurasia, located in the northern foothills of the North Tianshan Mountains, the southern part of the Junggar Basin, and the capital of Xinjiang - the beautiful city of Urumqi. Is a professional engaged in: for biomedicine / health food / agricultural products processing / cosmetics / disinfection products and medical equipment and other industries in the industry to do one-stop full-process technical support services, the inner cylinder includes: industry project approval, purification plant design, construction, capacity budget, equipment selection, procurement, installation and commissioning, formula and process design, system establishment, staff training and license processing and other series of technical support and production line hosting services; Laboratory instruments and equipment consumables supply sales and laboratory establishment. At the same time, in order to improve product quality and corporate visibility image, do corresponding products and enterprises for system certification. Solve the design, construction and installation of industry production engineering. Debugging, technical consulting services in one of the professional biomedical food industry biotechnology companies. Marker is the iconic trademark of our company's brand.                                                      

Xinjiang Excellent Biotechnology Development Co., Ltd. was established in 2022 with a registered capital of 2 million yuan. The company relies on the existing scientific research and technical team and resources of Xinjiang Yingpai Biotechnology Development Co., Ltd. to serve you. With experienced clean workshop and production equipment, process and other engineering design, equipment installation and commissioning and after-sales service technicians, to provide customers with the best biomedical and food processing equipment, the most complete design solutions and technical services. At the same time, it provides first-class installation, commissioning and after-sales service.

The company's main service items: biomedical food purification plant design, construction and production equipment extraction and concentration, solid/liquid/paste/pill/powder, plaster/oral liquid syrup and other complete sets or stand-alone equipment/as well as food central kitchen complete sets of engineering equipment. Provide excellent technical support for pharmaceutical enterprises, health food enterprises, cosmetics enterprises, equipment and disinfection enterprises, nutritional food enterprises and agricultural and sideline native products processing enterprises, meat processing enterprises, fish processing enterprises, fruit processing enterprises, noodle processing enterprises, dairy processing enterprises, condiment processing enterprises, clean vegetable processing enterprises and other production enterprises. Provide common laboratory equipment and instruments for scientific research institutes, enterprises and institutions. Provide one-stop technical support and comprehensive services for your laboratory table construction, microbiology and physical and chemical laboratory design and product configuration requirements, and Xu instruments and consumables.

The company to: for your "energy saving, high efficiency, environmental protection" equipment as the goal, to: "leading technology, intelligent innovation, high efficiency and high quality, honest and trustworthy" purpose. "The business principle, with a sincere cooperation attitude, common win-win concept, for customers to provide a full range of services!" "Listening to the voice of the customer" is the first thing of the excellent company, and customer demand is the driving force for our continuous improvement. We make unremitting efforts to provide customers with quality products and excellent service. From initial consultation and design to installation, commissioning, training, we strive to meet the needs of customers from all aspects. Provide first-class technology, first-class service and first-class efficiency for the majority of enterprises and users, and create a beautiful and intelligent new era in the future.

公司名称: 新疆卓越生物科技开发有限公司 公司类型: 企业单位 (贸易商)
所 在 地: 新疆/乌鲁木齐市 公司规模: 1-49人
注册资本: 200万人民币 注册年份: 2022
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营模式: 贸易商
经营范围: 为生物医药/保健食品/农产品加工/化妆品/消毒产品和医疗器械等行业内企业做体系建立与技术支持服务,同时为 提升产品品质和企业知名度形象做相应的产品和企业进行体系认证;重点是为行业内企业从0-1的项目立项申报,洁净厂房设计预算,施工, 设备选型采购安装调试,产能预算,产品研发,工艺研究,配方设计,技术培训和生产等系列化的技术支撑和托管服务。包括对实验室搭建 及仪器仪表的供应和调试培训业务,为您企业需求解决专业话的服务与技术支撑。解决行业生产工程的设计、施工、安装.调试、技术咨询 服务 于一体的专业
实验室常用仪器 / 恒温/加热/干燥设备 / 干燥箱 实验室常用仪器 / 恒温/加热/干燥设备 / 其它干燥设备 实验室常用仪器 / 实验室家具 / 实验室家具
实验室常用仪器 / 实验室家具 / 实验台 实验室常用仪器 / 实验室家具 / 实验柜 实验室常用仪器 / 实验室家具 / 通风柜
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